On a scale of 1 to 10 how innocent are you? Last time I was in Innocent magazine I said 5, however I think I need to change it to a 4 now
What is your occupation? I'm a professional model and I run my own production studio
Where did you attend college? Capilo beauty school in Augusta ME

A lot of girls dream about becoming a model. What advice can you offer them? I've been modeling for over 10 years and I've had many highs and lows. I feel the best advice for anyone looking to get into the modeling industry is this... make your own way, don't depend on someone else to bring you to the top. The only one who will get you there is YOU through dedication and hard work. I'm proud to say that I am self made and I wouldn't be where I am today if I looked to everyone else to bring me where I wanted to go. Second, know exactly what type of model you want to become. Third, find a great photographer and get some beautiful photos to show your talent. Forth, work and live the lifestyle 24/7 and ALWAYS dress the part. I say that because the worst thing you can do as a model, is not actually "look" like a model. My moto is "If you love what you do, it will never feel like work", I haven't worked a day since I was 20. I quit my job as a pizza delivery driver and committed myself to modeling.

Has being a model been different from what you first imagined? Oh yes absolutely! When I first started I thought I was going to immediately become the world's next top model lol. Little did I know how many struggles I would go through and the years of hard work and dedication it would take to get where I am today. I've wanted to give up time and time again, but that little voice inside my head kept saying "Carrie you can do this" so I kept pushing forward. Keep in mind, I've lived in Maine my entire life so that made my struggle 100 time harder then if I lived in LA. I wanted it so badly that I opened my own production studio for film and photography which was the best decision of my life. I live in Maine which is not known for having much of a "modeling industry", so I figured with my own studio I could make my own way.
Who are the people who have been most influential in your modeling career? My husband Nate has been my rock through it all and has been my #1 supporter. Also, my family and very close friends have been huge. I wouldn't have made it where I am today without the support I have.
What are your favorite types of images to pose for? I love anything edgy and sexy. Glamour because I've learned how to appreciate being comfortable in my own skin and embracing my sensuality and sexuality. Fashion because there nothing like wearing a $4,000 dress and a pair $1500 Christian Louboutin heels. Cosplay because I love designing and modeling costumes and adding my own sexy twist to them. Fetish because it allows me to bring out my naughty, dark side... Nothing compares to bringing a little "Fifty Shades of Grey" to a photo set. Whips and chains and gags oh my lol! Maybe I'm not as innocent as I say I am ;-p
If you could a dream shoot what would it be? My ultimate dream shoot would be me and Jessica Alba together in various locations and outfits (or naked that's fine too lol) in a tropical place like Bora Bora or Bali. That's my dream shoot because she is my girl crush :-)

At what point did you/will you consider yourself a success in this business? The day I quit my job and launched my official website www.CarrieLaChance.com was the day I realized I was doing exactly what I dreamed of, everything after that has been and will be icing on the cake!
If you were a circus performer, what would you be? I would be the girl flipping and flying on the trapeze!
What is the best kind of pet to have and why? A dog because they give so much affection and love unconditionally.
What is your favorite pig-out food? PIZZA and chips
Tell us about one of your guilty pleasures. Spending way too much money on Christian Louboutin heels :-/
What’s your favorite kind of music? When I workout EDM, but my favorite kind of everyday music is R&B.
When you were a little girl, were you more of a tomboy or a princess? Princess, and I still am haha.
If you could own any car in the world, which would it be? A pink Ferrari.
What’s your biggest pet peeve? When your at the movies and there is the one person that keeps turning on his/her cell phone and everyone sees it grr.
What’s your favorite professional sports team? I'm not into sports much but I'm from New England so I will go with The Patriots.
Some men can be intimidated to approach someone that looks like you. Any advice for them? Just be yourself and be confident. There's nothing worse then a guy who tries to be something he's not just to impress you. The real you will come out eventually so why fake it? Don't use any lame pickup lines, just simply buy her a drink and tell her she looks beautiful and don't be too pushy. When you give a girl a genuine compliment, that will always get her attention.
Has being a model helped or hurt your ability to maintain a romantic relationship? Any relationship can thrive if it's healthy and there is trust. If you love one another and support each other, it can only be a good thing.
What’s the biggest mistake a guy can make during a first date? Not being Chivalrous. Treat her like a Princess and she will be hooked on you from day one. Also, I don't believe in sex on the first date. I think you should be in love with that person first or even marriage.
Is it ever okay to lie to someone you’re with? Never, a lie will trap you.
How can you tell when it’s true love? When you think about that person 24/7, they give you butterflies, the sound of their voice makes you happy for no reason, you constantly see things around you that remind you of them and the biggest thing is when you think of that person it makes your heart almost hurt a little.
Is maintaining an active social media presence helpful or harmful in relationships? It really depends on the relationship and your purpose for social media. For models, if your in a healthy trusting relationship social media can be the best thing for any model. Now a days, it's almost impossible to be successful without a strong social media presence. For just the average girl/guy social media is just simply fun, so if you have trust I see it being healthy and fun not harmful.
What do you consider a “relationship killer”? When a man starts to become jealous 24/7 about everything.
If a guy you are on a date with admits that he’s been with LOTS of women, is that a turn on or turn off? Turn OFF big time, it shows lack on control and commitment.
When your partner wants to try something new or kinky in bed, what’s the best way to approach you about it? Just say it, don't beat around the bush. The worst that could happen is I say no.
What can couples do to keep things interesting in the bedroom? Explore and don't be afraid to try new things, you may be surprised what you may like if you try it.
What criteria do you use to determine if someone is a good sexual partner? Confidence is key, not afraid to try new things and they are open about their sexuality.
If you could only pick one: A great looking guy who’s bad in bed, or an ugly guy who’s great in bed? Haha, well that's a hard one. Sure looks matter a lot to me, however if someone is good in bed that means they posses a lot of other traits I desire such as confidence and control. To me confidence is more important than looks.
In general, what skills do you think most guys should master if they want to improve their sexual prowess? Learn what turns the girl on first.
Stats: Age: 30 Height: 5’3” Weight: 115 lbs Bust: 32DDD Waist: 24” Hips: 34” Location: Portland Maine
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